Seventh International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses

  • 2015 Special Focus: Whose Climate? Negotiating the Governance of Environmental Change
  • 10–11 April 2015
  • UBC Robson Square, Vancouver, British Columbia

At a Glance...


Days of paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters, and colloquia.


Delegates from all over the world who attended the Seventh International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts and Responses.


Countries represented.

Plenary Speakers

The Seventh International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts & Responses featured plenary sessions by some of the world’s leading thinkers and innovators in the field.

Alex Clapp

Alex Clapp

Associate Dean, Faculty of Environment and Professor, Geography, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada

Kathryn Harrison

Kathryn Harrison

Professor, Political Science, University of British Columbia, Canada

Graduate Scholar Awardees

For each conference, a small number of Graduate Scholar Awards are given to outstanding graduate students who have an active academic interest in the conference area. The Award with its accompanying responsibilities provides a strong professional development opportunity for graduate students at this stage in their academic careers. The 2015 Graduate Scholar Awardees are listed below.

Mukesh Dev Bhattarai

Mukesh Dev Bhattarai

Southern Illinois University, US

Sabrina Dekker

Sabrina Dekker

University College Dublin, Canada

Adekunle Dosumu

Adekunle Dosumu

University of Essex, UK

Eric Kretsch

Eric Kretsch

University of Rhode Island, US

Hamed Hakim

Hamed Hakim

University of Florida, US

Dellarue Howard

Dellarue Howard

University of Waterloo, Canada

Lindsay Luke

Lindsay Luke

University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Miriam Matejova

Miriam Matejova

University of British Columbia, Canada

Kelly Stevens

Kelly Stevens

Syracuse University, US

Conference Partner